As companies grow and change it is important to reassess how the governance structure is serving Corporate Purpose and performance.  It is natural for growth-focused companies periodically to assess whether their governance approach has kept pace.  Various changes need to be made as companies become larger and more complex, especially as a larger set of owners and stakeholders are created.


We support companies in conducting a review of their governance arrangements in light of their business size and context. We support re-design and evolution of structures and approaches and ensure their alignment with the purpose and strategy of the business. This can include the Board, Committee and Executive structures, alongside mechanisms for implementing strategy and measuring company performance.

Organisational culture is one of the most complex levers of business performance and a crucial factor in differentiation and risk mitigation. Culture is important to understand, easy to drift, and difficult to change with lasting effect. Culture needs to evolve as organisations grow and mature.  Attention of culture is critical following mergers, shifts in strategy, or changes in ownership structure.

Culture can be incredibly difficult to perceive by those who are part of it, as much is implicitly learned and unconscious. We provide independent review of existing corporate culture, and we shape and assist with transparent processes that engage stakeholders to evolve culture in support of company objectives. We can assist with aligning organisation design, talent strategies, reward systems and stakeholder communications.